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There are numerous stories about those who had hired a remodeling contractor and the problems that they had. Others might advise against hiring an architect or a contractor for remodeling. All of these things could be due to one thing: they hired the wrong contractor. It is a long process to hire an experienced contractor. Here are some suggestions you can apply prior to hiring someone to work on your remodel.

Find out if the contractor has been licensed

All contractors should always have a license before taking on any kind of business. Bathroom Remodel can't practice their profession without a certificate which proves that they have passed all required trainings and exams. Your bathroom remodel service is not an exception to this rule and you are required to show the license you are looking for. It is also possible to check with your local state office to confirm that the license is real and the contractor is legit.

For a contract, ask

Many bathroom remodel, services will provide you with all details regarding the project. This includes the price of materials, time frame and the consequences if it is not finished. Although verbal explanations are fine but it is essential to request documents in writing. People are being scammed by contractors who take on the job and then wait for the client to pay an agreed upon amount.

Ask for proof that the company is insured and bonded.

This protects you from any liability in the event of an accident that happens while people are engaged in the work. Bonding the contractor is a way to safeguard yourself in the event that the contractor has to pull out of the project at any time for reasons of any kind. It is recommended to look for another contractor if the contractor does not have one of these.

Find out how the payment will Be

The payment process is the most difficult to manage when hiring a contractor. Consider offering a payment-by- milestone to safeguard yourself from fraudulent contractors. If they decline and would demand an upfront payment then the chances are that they are scammers who will quit your project when they have received their payment. Also ask if the contractor accepts payment via credit card or debit cards. If they accept, they mostly like have a great bank history and are a reputable contractor.


Because they'll be performing most of the work they are essential to every project. Always request the written confirmation from your contractor that they are bonded and insured, and be sure to regularly update your schedule so that you are always aware on what is happening with the project.